Become a Signpost Trustee
Trustees are responsible for overseeing all aspects of an organisation’s operation and ensuring that the role and purpose outlined in the Constitution are carried out. They set the direction and purpose of the organisation, oversee the performance of the Chief Executive Officer and his team, oversee finances and agree policies for all aspects of operation.
Trustees at Signpost are also expected to provide support for the team and lead with a facilitative leadership style.
The role is voluntary, with no payment although reasonable out-of-pocket expenses are reimbursed. Trustees should commit at least half a day each month to the organisation and attend monthly meetings for 2-3 hours.
We regret that People with certain criminal records and those under 18 are excluded from being trustees, as well as those with a conflict of interest.
This means in practice, the Trustees:
Set the direction and purpose of the organisation (the strategy).
Oversee the CEO’s and his team’s performance to ensure the strategy is being properly implemented.
Oversee the organisation’s finances, agree on budgets designed to achieve the objectives, and ensure that funds are spent for the purpose they were given.
Agree on policies for all aspects of the operation. This will include working practices, including interaction with clients and staff and their employment policies and salary levels.
Agree and sign off contracts including commissions, leases, employment, and equipment contracts where appropriate.
Provide support for the CEO and the Signpost team in their work.
Interested? Then please contact me via my email below to begin a discussion and explore whether a Trusteeship is right for you. Please ensure the words ‘Signpost Trusteeship’ are in the Subject field.
Richard Thomas
Trustee, Chair.