Core Outcomes

Regarding hard outcomes; we typically see 45% of our beneficiaries in employment three months after beginning to work with Signpost. Interestingly, ONS data reveals that 20% of people will re-enter employment at the 3-month point. We are exceeding that by a considerable margin. Around 18% of people will be in some form of education or training at the same point in time. People tell us they would recommend us to others around 96% of the time and they do – word of mouth accounts for many of our beneficiaries.

The chart below represents the Signpost-wide outcomes from our three Resource Centres. The chart was extracted from our latest 3-month Follow-up Survey and represents data from the previous month.

The recorded outcome types are as follows:

  • Into Employment

  • Unemployed (Status Unchanged from beneficiary registration)

  • Not Looking For Employment (Economically Inactive)

  • Into Volunteering

November 2024